Affiliate Referral Links

What are Affiliate Referral Links? #

Affiliate Referral Links are the way that BeCause Cosmetics keeps track of your Sales. When you share products or your information with customers, they use your link to let us know that you sent them to our site.

How do Referral Links work? #

Affiliate Referral Links create a token in the browser of the device you are using to shop. You should only need to set this once, since the token is set to last 36,500 days (100 years)! You can change which Affiliate’s token is in your browser by following another Affiliate’s Referral Link or selecting that Affiliate from the site footer.

NOTE: Affiliate Referral Links are case-sensitive.

This link will work —

This link will NOT work —

How do orders get attached to me? Is it only through Referral Links? #

There are actually a few different ways that we can track an order and attach it to you as an Affiliate:
  1. When you or your customer click on your Referral Link. For example,[your name]
  2. When you or your customer select your name from the Affiliate list in the footer at
  3. When you or your customer use a BeCause Cash code that is connected to you as an Affiliate
Also, if an order ever comes to BeCause and isn’t properly attached to an Affiliate, we can manually attach the order to an Affiliate after confirming who that should be with the customer.

How do I know if my Referral Link works? #

Check the footer while you are shopping. You should see your name (or Affiliate’s name):

What if I don’t see my name (or my Affiliate’s name) in the footer? #

Click on “Not your affiliate?” and you will see a list of Affiliates. Then select your Affiliate! Now you should see his or her name when you shop.

Is every order attached to an Affiliate? What happens if an order is submitted without being attached to an Affiliate? #

Every order needs to attached to an Affiliate. If you see your Affiliate’s name in the footer and submit an order, it will be correctly attached. If an order is submitted unattached to an Affiliate, BeCause will contact the customer and ask who their Affiliate is so that the order can be attached to them. As an Affiliate, you should also receive an email confirmation when your customer submits an order that is attached to you. If you know that your customer has submitted an order and you did not receive an Affiliate confirmation email, contact with the customer’s name and order number. We will find it and set everything right!

Can I send a Referral Link that goes directly to a specific product or page? #

Yes! Just copy the URL for that product and add your Affiliate information to the end.

Here is an example: If Mary would like to send a link to the Complexion Brush to her friend, she starts with the URL for the Complexion Brush:

Then she adds ?id=mary to the end. So, the link she would send is:

You can do this for any product or page on our site! When Mary meets someone who would like to join as an Affiliate, she sends them this link

How do I get a Referral Link? How much do they cost? #

Affiliate Referral Links are free! BeCause Cosmetics provides a free Referral Link to every Affiliate.

Can I customize my Referral Link? #

Yes! On your Affiliate Dashboard, you can personalize your Referral Link on the Profile tab. You should choose something that is easy for your customers to remember.

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